Innovation and New Business Office:
Supporting commercialization of projects of knowledge-based and technology companies
Directing inventions and innovations toward solving the problems of the country and providing the current shortage and create the mechanism for introducing innovative services and products
Directing, guiding and supporting the launch of invention events and exhibitions, technologies and innovations of technology companies
Planning, directing and supporting innovation centers
Supporting institutions that support knowledge-based companies based in industrial towns, technology parks, and growth centers
Planning to lay the foundation for the investment of economic agencies in production and commercialization of technologies
Empowering the knowledge-based entrepreneurial ecosystem with directing the innovation accelerators
Supporting domestic products and marketing and exporting knowledge-based and technology goods and services through stimulating the demand for technological products
Monitoring the factors that influence the commercialization cycle and providing solutions for improving the business environment
Exploiting and directing research and empowering universities and scientific centers to develop technologies and innovations through the development of knowledge-based academic institutions
Science-Industry-Market Association:
Supporting the formation and development of science-industry-market associations
Monitoring the science-industry-market associations
Designing and implementing science-industry-market relationship models based on technology and industry field
Recognizing the technological needs and challenges of industries and identifying and introducing the technological abilities of knowledge-based companies to solve the industrial problems in some fields
Networking and holding events to facilitate the communication and exchange of knowledge and technology between science and technology centers and technological individuals and groups with the industry and market
Holding specialized events with the goal of marketing and stimulating demand, including Iranian-made laboratory materials and equipment exhibition
Establishing the program of smart market for knowledge-based products (platform)
Center for National Macro Technology Projects:
Studying and participating in the defining of the national macro technology projects in coordination with relevant institutions on the basis of meeting the basic technological and strategic priorities of the country
Reviewing, evaluating and approving new projects in the framework of the center
Planning, managing, monitoring, and directing approved and running projects
Financial and spiritual support (following up the required standards and relevant laws) of approved and running projects
Assessing and following up the issue of commercialization of the achievements of completed projects by attracting resources by the investor or the beneficiary of the project and other financial institutions in order to meet the basic needs and comprehensive development of the country
Laying the ground for the maximum use of the country's scientific, technical, engineering, and infrastructural capacities and capabilities to implement the national macro technology projects
Identifying and helping to take advantage of special opportunities for the development and growth of new technologies in the country
Promoting the group-collaboration culture to achieve macro goals of national projects